
  • 1
  • The total number of people between 16 years old and retirement who are not institutionized _____________.

    equals the number of people employed plus the number of people unemployed
    does not include students
    is the working-age population
    is the workforce

  • 2
  • The unemployment rate is the _______ who are unemployed.

    percentage of people in the workforce
    percentage of people in the country
    number of people in the workforce
    percentage of the working-age population

  • 3
  • The economic activity rate is percentage of the _______ who are in the workforce.

    working-age population
    discouraged workers
    people under age 65

  • 4
  • The percentage of the people of working age who have jobs is called the ____________________.

    employment-to-population ratio
    inverse of the unemployment rate
    employment-to-working-age-population ratio

  • 5
  • The _______ wage rate is equal to the _______ wage rate divided by the _______.

    real; money; price level
    money; real; RPI
    money; real; rate of inflation
    real; money; rate of inflation

  • 6
  • The largest source of unemployment in the 1990s was _______________.

    discouraged workers
    job losers
    job leavers

  • 7
  • Students who leave school in the summer and look for work are one source of ______________.

    cyclical unemployment
    frictional unemployment
    structural unemployment
    business cycle fluctuation

  • 8
  • The natural rate of employment _____________.

    is greater than the actual rate of unemployment
    occurs when cyclical unemployment equals zero
    is always constant
    equals zero

  • 9
  • Full employment __________________.

    cannot occur when structural unemployment exists
    occurs at the natural rate of unemployment
    occurs during an inflationary gap
    equals zero

  • 10
  • Discouraged workers often _________________.

    take early retirement
    enter the workforce during a recession
    leave the workforce during an expansion
    leave the workforce during a recession