
  • 1
  • The price of a tomato increases and people buy fewer onions. You infer that onions and tomatoes are ________.

    normal goods
    inferior goods

  • 2
  • The quantity of cars that people plan to buy this month depends on all of the following except the ___________.

    quantity of cars that dealers have for sale
    price of a van
    expected future price of a car

  • 3
  • Kelly graduates and her income increases by $25,000 a year. Other things remaining the same, she decreases the quantity of donuts she buys. For Kelly, donuts ______________.

    are a normal good
    and toast have become substitutes
    and coffee has become complements
    are an inferior good

  • 4
  • Students can rent a video at Campus Video for $4. As the price of a VCR decreases, the ____________.

    quantity supplied of videos will decrease
    demand for videos will increase
    supply of videos will decrease
    quantity demanded of videos will increase

  • 5
  • In the book market, the supply of books will decrease if any of the following occur except ___________.

    an increase in the price of paper
    an increase in the future expected price of a book
    a decrease in the price of a book
    a decrease in the number of book publishers

  • 6
  • If the price of a video rental is below the equilibrium price, the quantity supplied is _______ than the quantity demanded. If the price of a video rental is above the equilibrium price, the quantity supplied is _______ than the quantity demanded.

    less; greater
    less; less
    greater; less
    greater; greater

  • 7
  • A typewriter is an inferior good. As people's incomes increase and other things remain the same, you predict that the _______________.

    demand for typewriters will decrease and the price of a typewriter will fall
    price of a typewriter will fall and the demand for typewriters will increase
    demand for typewriters will decrease and the price will rise
    demand for typewriters will increase as the price of a typewriter falls

  • 8
  • The figure illustrates the market for pens. The equilibrium quantity is ____.


    400 pens a month
    2 pens a month
    500 pens a month
    5 pens a month

  • 9
  • If the demand for bottled water increases, the equilibrium price _________ and the equilibrium quantity __________.

    decreases; increases
    increases; increases
    decreases; decreases
    increases; decreases

  • 10
  • The figure illustrates the market for chairs. If the price of a chair is $40, there is a ____ of chairs and the price will _________.


    shortage; rise
    surplus; fall
    shortage; fall
    surplus; rise

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